
The Tools

Googgle QnA Scraper

Google QnA Scraper

This tool allows you to run a search in Google and then pull back the related questions and answers for that search term.

You can then download the results in a text file with just the questions in, with the questions and also FAQ Schema, and in a format ready to import into your Magic Page Plugn spintax shortcodes

QnA Schema Generator

QnA Schema Generator

This tool takes a list of questions and answers and then creates the JSON schema and text output for you.

The output generated is ready to simply copy and paste into your site. You can also download the generated file which you can then simply import into your Magic Page Plugn spintax shortcodes.

Shortcode Generator

Shortcode Generator Image

This tool will create MPP Spintax Shortcodes for you. You simply enter the name of the shortcode and then the options you want adding

The file generated, once downloaded is ready to import into your Magic Page Plugn spintax shortcodes

Xfields Generator

Xfields Generator Image

This tool will create MPP Xfields for you. You simply enter the name of the shortcode and then its default value

The file generated, once downloaded is ready to import into your Magic Page Plugn Xfields shortcodes

Spintax Generator

Spintax Generator Image

This tool takes a list of words or phrases that you want to be spun and then generates the spun list.

The spintax is then available for you to download as a file in a format ready to import into your Magic Page Plugn spintax shortcodes or to copy and paste directly onto your site.

Permutations Generator

Permutations Generator Image

This tool takes a list of up to 6 words or phrases and then generates a list with all of the various permutaions of your list 6 lines will generate 720 permutations

You can then generate the spintext for the list and also have it available in a format ready to import into your Magic Page Plugn spintax shortcodes

Random Links Generator

Random links Generator Image

This tool takes a list of URLs and anchor text and then generates spun link text

You can download the data in a file that is in a format ready to import into your Magic Page Plugn spintax shortcodes or simply copy and paste it directly onto your site.

Word Manipulation

Word Manipulation Image

This tool takes a list of words or phrases that you want manipulate and then you have a number of choices of how you want the words changing.

From removing duplicate lines, removing spaces, removing specified characters or words, changing the case, and adding content in the front or back of the words.

GMB Scraper

GMB Scraper Image

This tool will look at the GMBs for your chosen keyword and then return 2 files, GMBs with websites and GMBs without websites.

The with websites file will include all relevant data from the GMB and also check the website status, i.e 200 OK or 404 Not working. You can also include the Whois data for the website, Date Created, Expiry date, Date Last Updated

Keyword Modifiers

Keyword Modifiers Image

This tool will take your search term and then pull in all of the keyword modifiers that Google suggests (the highlighted words in the Meta Title/Meta Description). It also looks at the highlited words in the related searches and also gives you the Broad and Phrase match indexed pages along with intitle an inurl

The file generated, will contain the list of highlighted words along with their number of occurrences and the Broad Phrase Match data.,

Citations Scanner

Citations Scanner Image

This tool will allow you to find all of the of your Competitors links that Google actually values. Once you have this list then you can either do it your self or get a VA to go through the list and add your site to any that you can, therefore boosting your sites rankings

Schema Scraper

Schema Scraper Image

This tool will get you the schema on either up to 10 URLs you have entered or the top 10 URLs for a specific search.

The file generated, will contain all of the schema found so that you can use it on your own sites,

Sitemap Scraper

Sitemap Scraper Image

With this you input the URL of an XML sitemap and the tool will scan it and return a file containing all of the URLs in the sitemap. This can then be used to add the URLs to any indexers or other tools that you want.

Site Value Calculator

Schema Scraper Image

This tool is used to determine a reasonable rental value for your site.

The calculator takes the search volume and cost per click of your 3 main keywords plus conversion percentages and the percentage you would like as a fee. It then calculates the number of leads that your client should get, the valuation of those leads and a reasonable rental value that you could charge depending on the position of your site.

AI Site Content Creator

Sitemap Scraper Image

The AI Site Content Creator is a simple and user-friendly tool that allows users to effortlessly generate HTML content for basic websites. With just a provided topic and a handful of SEO-related keywords, this tool works its magic, crafting engaging and SEO-friendly content in a matter of seconds.

This small tool streamlines the content creation process by eliminating the need for extensive research and writing. It not only saves valuable time but also guarantees well-structured, keyword-optimized content.

Amazon Scraper

Sitemap Scraper Image

This tool is used to extract Amazon product data and then put it into a format that can be easily imported into a website using Magic Page Plugin and create an Amazon Affiliate website very quickly.

As subscribers to the tool you also get access to my course on using the Amazon Scraper to build and rank these Affiliate sites as well as 4 site templates that you can use to build your sites.

MPP Toolbox

These tools were designed to help me speed up building sites with Magic Page Plugin, but they can help you even if you do not own Magic Page Plugin and just want to build standard sites

Access to the majority of the tools inside of MPP Toolbox is FREE you just need to click the Register link and sign up.

Once you have signed up you will have a login and that will give you access to the tools so you can check them out. As a Free member the tools will work but you will not be able to generate the files that will allow you to import the data directly into Magic Page Plugin as a spintax short code or xfield.

To be able to export your data ready to be imported into Magic Page Plugin once you have signed up simply upgrade to the monthly. Obviously as more and more tools get added to the system then the price of the monthly plan will go up. But once you are on a paid plan your payment will always stay the same.

Access Details



  • Spintax Generator
  • Permutations Generator
  • Random Links Generator
  • Word Manipulation
  • Sitemap Scraper
  • QnA Schema Generator
  • Shortcode Generator
  • Xfields Generator
  • Keyword Modifiers
  • GMB Scraper
  • Schema Scraper
  • Google QnA Scraper
  • Citations Scanner
  • Site Value Calculator
  • AI Site Content Creator
  • Amazon Scraper
  • Amazon Affiliate Course

SEO Associate


  • Spintax Generator
  • Permutations Generator
  • Random Links Generator
  • Word Manipulation
  • Sitemap Scraper
  • QnA Schema Generator
  • Shortcode Generator
  • Xfields Generator
  • Keyword Modifiers
  • GMB Scraper
  • Schema Scraper
  • Google QnA Scraper
  • Citations Scanner
  • Site Value Calculator
  • AI Site Content Creator
  • Amazon Scraper
  • Amazon Affiliate Course
Become An Associate



  • Spintax Generator
  • Permutations Generator
  • Random Links Generator
  • Word Manipulation
  • Sitemap Scraper
  • QnA Schema Generator
  • Shortcode Generator
  • Xfields Generator
  • Keyword Modifiers
  • GMB Scraper
  • Schema Scraper
  • Google QnA Scraper
  • Citations Scanner
  • Site Value Calculator
  • AI Site Content Creator
  • Amazon Scraper
  • Amazon Affilate Course
Become A Member

Compare plans

Free SEO Associate Member
Google Qna Scraper
Number of questions clicked 10 10
Download Text File Of Questions and Answers
Download Json File Of Questions and Answers With Schema
Download MPP Import File Of Questions and Answers With Schema
QnA Schema Generator
Generate Spintax Shortcode Import File For MPP
Shortcode Generator
Generate Spintax Shortcode Import File For MPP
Xfields Generator
Generate Xfields Import File For MPP
Spintax Generator
Copy Generated Spintax
Generate Spintax Shortcode Import File For MPP
Permutations Generator
Copy Generated Permutations
Generate Spintax For Permutations
Copy Generated Permutations Spintax
Generate Spintax Shortcode Import File For MPP
Random Links Generator
Copy Generated Code
Generate Spintax Shortcode Import File For MPP
Word Manipulation
Copy Generated Content
GMB Scraper
Number of pages 10
Website Status
Whois Data
Keyword Modifiers
Download Data
Citations Scanner
Number of URLs 1 10 10
Max URLs Returned 50 150 150
Download Data
Schema Scraper
Number Of Urls 10 10
Seach Option
Download Data
Sitemap Scraper
Download Data Unlimited URLs Unlimited URLs
Site Value Calculator
Download Data
AI Site Content Creator
Download Data
Amazon Scraper
Download Data

Coming Soon

Keyword Combiner

Citation Scanner Image

Introducing our Keyword Combiner Tool—an indispensable solution for swiftly creating diverse keyword lists. Whether you're enhancing your Google AdWords campaign, exploring domain names in bulk, or optimizing SEO with new keyword phrases, this tool effortlessly merges multiple words into an array of extended, relevant combinations.

Craft targeted AdWords Keyword Groups by entering your keyword lists and selecting your preferred match type—be it Modified Broad Match, Phrase Match, or Exact Match. Tailor the combinations to your needs, choosing to include specific keyword sets or opt for various permutations.

Yell Scraper

Yell Scraper Image

Introducing our Yell Scraper Tool, a powerful solution designed to streamline the process of gathering business information from Yell's directory. Simply input your search term and location, and watch as the tool meticulously scans Yell to identify relevant businesses. What sets our tool apart is its ability to go beyond basic listings it also checks associated websites for 404 errors.

Amazon Product Review

Amazon Product Review Image

Introducing our Product Review Builder, simplify the process of creating impactful product reviews for your website or blog. With just the product name and key details, our tool will generate comprehensive and authentic reviews that resonate with your audience.

The Product Review Builder adapts to various products and industries, providing a consistent and professional tone throughout your review content. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual review creation and enhance your online presence with authentic, compelling product reviews.

Amazon Product Description

Amazon Product Description Image

Introducing our Product Description Generator, streamline the creation of compelling product descriptions for your website. Simply input your product title and key details, and our tool crafts polished, engaging descriptions tailored to your brand.

The tool highlights unique selling points and key features, ensuring consistency and professionalism throughout your product catalog. Save time and elevate your product listings to new heights with our user-friendly, efficient solution try the Product Description Generator today.



  • Spintax Generator
  • Permutations Generator
  • Random Links Generator
  • Word Manipulation
  • Sitemap Scraper
  • QnA Schema Generator
  • Shortcode Generator
  • Xfields Generator
  • Keyword Modifiers
  • GMB Scraper
  • Schema Scraper
  • Google QnA Scraper
  • Citations Scanner
  • Site Value Calculator
  • AI Site Content Creator
  • Amazon Scraper
  • Amazon Affiliate Course

SEO Associate


  • Spintax Generator
  • Permutations Generator
  • Random Links Generator
  • Word Manipulation
  • Sitemap Scraper
  • QnA Schema Generator
  • Shortcode Generator
  • Xfields Generator
  • Keyword Modifiers
  • GMB Scraper
  • Schema Scraper
  • Google QnA Scraper
  • Citations Scanner
  • Site Value Calculator
  • AI Site Content Creator
  • Amazon Scraper
  • Amazon Affiliate Course
Become An Associate



  • Spintax Generator
  • Permutations Generator
  • Random Links Generator
  • Word Manipulation
  • Sitemap Scraper
  • QnA Schema Generator
  • Shortcode Generator
  • Xfields Generator
  • Keyword Modifiers
  • GMB Scraper
  • Schema Scraper
  • Google QnA Scraper
  • Citations Scanner
  • Site Value Calculator
  • AI Site Content Creator
  • Amazon Scraper
  • Amazon Affilate Course
Become A Member